Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 @ 19:32:44 GMT
Subj: | | Re: SQL to combine date ranges |
From: | | fred & uli |
Hi II,
you don't need the rank.
The descript solution works with all kind of history data - even if you have overlapping time periods for one id. In case you are sure
that you have distinct time periods in your table the following will work also and should also work with real volumes:
create table a
id integer,
valid_from date format'yyyymmdd',
valid_until date format'yyyymmdd',
price decimal(15,2)
) primary index (id)
insert into a values (1,date-10,date-10,1.22);
insert into a values (1,date-9,date-8,0.99);
insert into a values (1,date-7,date-7,0.99);
insert into a values (1,date-6,date-4,0.99);
insert into a values (1,date-3,date-1,0.23);
insert into a values (1,date,date,0.23);
insert into a values (1,date+1,date+2,0.99);
insert into a values (1,date+3,date+4,0.99);
insert into a values (2,date-7,date-7,0.99);
insert into a values (2,date-6,date-4,0.99);
insert into a values (2,date-3,date-1,0.23);
insert into a values (2,date,date,0.23);
insert into a values (2,date+1,date+2,0.99);
insert into a values (2,date+3,date+4,0.99);
select id,
min(valid_from) as valid_from,
max(valid_until) as valid_until
select a1.id,
case when a2.id is null then 1 else 0 end as last_ind,
csum(last_ind,a1.valid_from desc) interval_flag
from a a1
left outer join
a a2
on a1.id = a2.id
and a1.price = a2.price
and a1.valid_until + 1 = a2.valid_from
group by a1.id
) as t
group by id,
order by 1,3,2
drop table a;
| |