Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 @ 19:59:15 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Microsoft-Access and Teradata |
From: | | Margaret Westlake |
We also had trouble with Access deciding that our date math should be performed on the PC and not on the Teradata. This resulted in
problems with returning 30 times the data you intended to the PC. Our date math was intended to return only YYYYMM instead of the full
date. Then it seemed that the date math didn't function as expected in Access on the returned data resulting in incorrect groupings. I
think that we fixed it by using SUBSTR on the date (not as efficient, but Access didn't try to do it and let Teradata handle it). This was
several years ago and I haven't tested it since to see if it works right now. I gave up on using Access when I ran into these problems.
(Btw Fred, our missing date for admissions is 1777-07-07 and Excel and Access don't like it either.)
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