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Message Posted: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 @ 15:27:12 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Nulls in a composite Primary Key deployed as a Primary Index |
From: | | Cornelius Meade |
Agreed...But while I don't generally condone this type of thing, I know that understanding the intricacies of properly dealing with
possible NULL values often is a big problem in of itself for a population of users such that using dummy/special values becomes an
As for the broader implications of including nullable values in a composite primary index that seems to go against the definition of what
a good primary index should be in Teradata. While it may make logical sense from a modeling perspective, I would caution against physically
implementing it that way in Teradata if you can possibly find a better composite key/index that does not contain nullable columns, and that
would be a better match for the ways Teradata uses primary index data....