Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 @ 10:24:24 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Is the Tableid unique |
From: | | John Hall |
The TABLEID (or TVMID) is unique system-wide.
FWIW: The origin of the value is located in DBC.NEXT, column TABLEID. Each time a table, view, macro (et al) is created, the TABLEID
from DBC.NEXT is used to assign the TVMID value in DBC.TVM (the TABLEID is effectively left shifted 16-bits into 6-bytes and the least
significant 16-bits is then used for the subtable value). The value in DBC.NEXT is then incremented by 1 in preparation for the next time a
TVMID value in needed.
So if all you have is the TVMID (or TABLEID) value, then you need to join with DBC.TVM to determine the nature of your object - that
information is contained in Column TABLEKIND ('T' is for table). For the name of your object, use Column TVMNAME.
To know the database in which the object is located, then you need to join with DBC.DBASE and Column DATABASENAME will give you the
database name. Column ROWTYPE will indicate whether the database is a user ('U') or a database ('D').