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Message Posted: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 @ 20:02:18 GMT

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Subj:   Re: Timeout error on Teradata v2r3
From:   Tom Kent

I got these instructions from MicroStrategy when we had similiar (not a timeout) problem. Following them fixed our problem.


The Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is not properly set up and due to international settings, a datatype error occurs.

To create and use a metadata based on a Teradata platform (V2R3 or V2R4), execute the following steps:

1. Open the ODBC Manager (illustrated in the following image) and edit the Data Source Name (DSN) used to connect to the space allocated for the metadata repository (located at top of the window).

2. Click on 'Options>>' to open the ODBC Driver Options window.

3. Set the 'Session Mode' to 'Teradata' and the 'Data Time Format' to 'AAA'.

4. Check the Disable Parsing checkbox. Leave the remainder of the settings as their defaults. Click on 'OK'.

5. Create the repository using the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. Select the 'md7terav2r3.sql' script. This script works for Teradata V2R3 and V2R4 releases.

NOTE: If the driver is not configured as described above, the user cannot create the metadata structure or use Teradata as a metadata platform in the MicroStrategy 7.0 SP1 Product Suite.

The altered settings are explained below:

Session Mode: Teradata
The Teradata Session Mode allows the user to commit SQL statements manually. The MicroStrategy Metadata Server 7.0 component provides built-in logic that commits its own statements in a timely manner.

Date Format: AAA (ANSI Date Format)
The ANSI standard guarantees that the database always manipulates the date data as date datatypes. The MicroStrategy 7.0 Database Classes component requires that date data be stored in date format rather than string format, in order to improve performance.

Disable Parsing: On
Disabling the parser provides a WORKAROUND solution to an Access Violation (AV) that occurred in versions 2.06, 2.07 and 2.08 of the Teradata driver. This AV is reproducible during the execution of database-intensive tasks such as project upgrading and duplication.

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