Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 @ 16:12:04 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Installing NT v2r4 on a laptop |
From: | | Calvin Kline |
I have installed the TNT demonstration CDROM under NT WS 4.0.1381 Service Pack 5 (6a is current) on a 500mhz Pentium desktop system with
a primary 15GB drive and a secondary 18GB drive. The primary 15GB drive was configured into several (the maximum supported 2GB) FAT32
partitions and the remainer into an NT file system. The secondary 18GB drive was partitioned into a single NT filesystem. TNT was
installed into the seconday drive with the registery, icons, etc, on the FAT32 C-drive. The demos and some small test databases of my own
and interfaces (ODBC) from the system and also from clients on a private LAN worked fine on the first attempts of each.
I would hazzard a guess that your 18GB drive does not have a single NT file system paritition large enough to contain TNT or several file
systems (logical drives) each not large enough for the largest component(s).
Take another look at the hardware requirements again.