Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 @ 22:13:14 GMT
Subj: | | BulkLoad Utility |
From: | | Kenneth Stiglich |
Hello, I'm trying to find a tool to transfer a small table from Teradata to an IBM MVS system. I think that I would use BulkLoad but I
can't find any manual about that utility, does anyone know where I will obtain that manual? I have searched that on the NCR web page and I
couldn't found that. I think that other choice is BTEQ for MVS or FastExport but I don't have these tools installed, so please help me with
information about BulkLoad.
Thanks in Advance,
Kenneth Stiglich M
Serv. Data WareHouse
Ingenieria de la Informaci�n
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