Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Wed, 15 May 2014 @ 00:26:39 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Number of roles per user |
From: | | Pluebell, Fred |
Many sites allow granting multiple roles per user and set default role to 'ALL'.
Another option is to make use of the ability to "nest" roles (to a depth of only a single level). Define the first level of roles to correspond
to the collection of access rights needed for an individual application or business function. Create a second level of roles corresponding to
positions / job types and grant one or more first-level roles to the second-level role.
Depending on your organization, this structure might allow you to continue to grant a single (second-level) role per user.
For example, given first-level roles App1, App2, App3, perhaps second-level Role HR_Clerical needs App1 and App3 while HR_Manager needs App2
and App3, and General_management needs only App2.