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Message Posted: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 @ 23:00:01 GMT

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Subj:   What are the restrictions of a delete mload task
From:   Anomy Anom

<-- Anonymously Posted: Friday, November 18, 2011 17:46 -->

Lets start by trying clarify what this error wd mean in simpler words

3537 A MultiLoad DELETE Statement is Invalid.

Explanation: In a MultiLoad Complex Import Task, the user provided a DELETE statement that does not fully specify a primary index value or the values of all the partitioning columns. Or, in a MultiLoad Delete Task, the user provided a DELETE statement that specified a primary index.

Generated By: OPT modules.

For Whom: End User.

Remedy: Correct the error and resubmit the request. In a MultiLoad Complex Import Task, the WHERE condition, including any taken from a view definition, must allow for primary index access (and, if partitioned, partition access) with possible ANDed residual conditions. It must also reference no other tables or views. In a MultiLoad Delete Task, the WHERE condition, including any taken from a view definition, must not include a primary index access. It must also reference no other tables or views.

Here are problems I get ??.

When I do a join index form of a del task .

This is what I get . The? DELETE MLOAD expects the name of the Target. That is what I gave it . So- Mload cannot make sense of a Join Index form of delete ?

Problem 1

         -                                                                      -
         -          MultiLoad DML Transaction Phase                             -
         -                                                                      -
     *** 13:20:28 UTY0817 MultiLoad submitting the following request:
     *** 13:20:28 UTY0817 MultiLoad submitting the following request:
         DEL STGDB.TB1  FROM
             stgdb.Tb2 T

     *** 13:20:28 UTY0805 RDBMS failure, 3550: Table named in MLOAD statement not in
     list from BEGIN MLOAD.

I drop all the Work Log and error tables and the start it again . Then I get this error

          errortables stgdb_ts1.err_SMUPD;
     **** 14:34:56 UTY0805 RDBMS failure, 2554: Inconsistent situation occurs in
          restart MLoad - Suspended Delete MLoad on same Target table, different
          Work/Error table(s)

     -                                                                      -
     -          Logoff/Disconnect                                           -
     -                                                                      -
     **** 14:34:56 UTY6215 The restart log table has NOT been dropped.
     **** 14:34:57 UTY6212 A successful disconnect was made from the RDBMS.
     **** 14:34:57 UTY2410 Total processor time used = '0.15625 Seconds'
          .       Start : 14:34:50 - FRI NOV 18, 2011
          .       End   : 14:34:57 - FRI NOV 18, 2011
          .       Highest return code encountered = '12'.

Problem 2

Using a standard DEL form ( Non JI Form )

     **** 13:43:49 UTY0829 Options in effect for this MultiLoad delete task:
          .       Tenacity:    4 hour limit to successfully connect load sessions.
          .       AmpCheck:    Not in effect.
     **** 13:43:49 UTY0817 MultiLoad submitting the following request:
          Select NULL from stgdb_ts1.ML_Del_sm where (LogType = 125) and (Seq = 1)
          and (MloadSeq = 0);
     **** 13:43:49 UTY0817 MultiLoad submitting the following request:
          Select NULL from stgdb_ts1.ML_Del_sm where (LogType = 120) and (Seq = 1);
     **** 13:43:53 UTY0812 MLOAD session(s) requested: 1.
     **** 13:43:53 UTY0815 MLOAD session(s) connected: 1.
     **** 13:43:53 UTY0817 MultiLoad submitting the following request:
          BEGIN DELETE MLOAD stgdb_ts1.EX_MF_OM_GL_JE_LINES_sm with
          stgdb_ts1.wK_SMUPD errortables stgdb_ts1.err_SMUPD;
     **** 13:43:56 UTY0817 MultiLoad submitting the following request:
          INS stgdb_ts1.ML_Del_sm (LogType, Seq, MLoadSeq)VALUES(130, 1, 40);

     -                                                                      -
     -          MultiLoad DML Transaction Phase                             -
     -                                                                      -
     **** 13:43:57 UTY0817 MultiLoad submitting the following request:
     **** 13:43:58 UTY0817 MultiLoad submitting the following request:
          DEL        FROM   db.tb1
          WHERE      ( col1,col2,col3,col4  ) IN (
          SELECT     col1, col2,col3,col4
          FROM        Db.src

     Sel  col4,col5,col6,col7 from


     ) ;
     **** 13:43:59 UTY0805 RDBMS failure, 3537: A MultiLoad DELETE Statement is

     -                                                                      -
     -          Logoff/Disconnect                                           -
     -                                                                      -
     **** 13:44:00 UTY6215 The restart log table has NOT been dropped.
     **** 13:44:01 UTY6212 A successful disconnect was made from the RDBMS.
     **** 13:44:01 UTY2410 Total processor time used = '0.125 Seconds'
          .       Start : 13:43:48 - FRI NOV 18, 2011
          .       End   : 13:44:01 - FRI NOV 18, 2011
          .       Highest return code encountered = '12'.

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