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Message Posted: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 @ 20:50:30 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Reporting Question |
From: | | NINHAMD |
I have just about got this thing wrapped up. I have been able to get previous, current and next times and limit with particular code. Now i
need to figure out a way to get TOPIC before and after current topic per Client ID.
Here is the code that i have so far .. bonus points to anyone that can help! Im new to creating reports especially in Teradata so if someone
has any resources for finding sample code for putting records in sequential value i would greatly appreciate it.
(Activity_Timestamp - PreviousDate day(4) to second) as tsdiff,
(extract(day from tsdiff) * 86400)
+ (extract(hour from tsdiff) * 3600)
+ (extract(minute from tsdiff) * 60)
+ extract(second from tsdiff) as sec_diff
from (
min(cast(Activity_Timestamp as timestamp)) over (partition by Client_Id order by
Activity_Timestamp asc rows between 1 PRECEDING and 1 following) as
cast(Activity_Timestamp as timestamp) as Activity_Timestamp,
min(cast(Activity_Timestamp as timestamp)) over (partition by Client_Id order by
Activity_Timestamp asc rows between 1 following and 1 following) as NextDate
from or_10_093
Qualify NextDate is not null
where business_category = 'billing'
group by client_id,Business_Category,
where sec_diff between 600 and 1209600.000000
order by Client_Id,Activity_Timestamp
Thank you in advance!
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