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Message Posted: Thu, 08 Jul 2010 @ 17:01:41 GMT
Subj: | | Re: PPI Behavior |
From: | | Curley, David |
It's a bug. Timestamp-based PPIs will use partition elimination only for a single equality predicate. No OR, IN or BETWEEN. I think it's
fixed in 13. We just went to 12 and it's still there.
There is a work-around if you're not actually using the time portion of the timestamp (which might be your case since the field is named
xxx_DT): create a table based on sys_calendar.calendar with UPI of calendar_date and a new field based on CAST(calendar_date as timestamp). You
can then join to this on the PPI timestamp and use BETWEEN/IN/OR criteria on calendar_date. I don't know of anything you can do if you have time
portions other than 00:00:00.
So you would do something like
FROM "V_WOFDWVW"."F_VOL_DCSN" "Volume_Measures"
INNER JOIN some_database.new_calendar cal -- your new table here
on "Volume_Measures"."DW_END_DT" = cal.calendar_date_timestamp
WHERE cal.calendar_date BETWEEN '2010-12-31' AND '9999-12-31'