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Message Posted: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 @ 21:20:26 GMT

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Subj:   Setup Teradata Manager without access to SQL
From:   Mark Young

Hi All,

We have a need to be able to setup either a Teradata Manager profile or use Teradata PMON to allow a group of users to be able to monitor the performance of the system and review trends in resource usage, without them being able to view the SQL statements submitted as part of the query.

We tried to setup a Teradata Manager profile, giving only view access to the dashboard, error logs, space and history and this appeared to be what we wanted to provide. The users could see the dashboard and also were able to monitor the Node and AMP resource usage, but on the dashboard there is a hyperlink to sessions which once clicked then allows the users to see the individual session information, which is not a huge issue, but they were also then able to see the SQL involved with the query.

We did only do this at a test level, using our own user ids as those able to use the profile, so not sure if this affects the test.

If there is no way in Teradata Manager to stop a user from being able to view the SQL, can we use PMON, or does this have the same issue?

Mark Young
DWH Technical Specialist

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