Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 @ 19:05:56 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Update of millions of records |
From: | | Victor Sokovin |
| Yeah, I tried "WITH NO DATA AND STATISTICS" in v6.2.2, and it brought over zero'd stats. And in fact it didn't bring over the fact that
some of them were sampled. So when I collected stats on the table, it collected full stats on the originally sampled columns. Oh well, p'haps
that's a v6.2.2 feature. | |
Interesting. So, the statement is already available in at least some of R6 releases? I opened, again, the R12 manual and scanned the pages
listing restrictions and warnings associated with the statement. Can't find anything specific on sampled stats at all so this feature is going to
be in the category of undocumented or hard-to-guess ones for at least some R6 and R12 versions.
Makes one wonder what else can be forgotten in the zeroed stats. I am sure Dieter will get an inspiration one day to run his stats scripts on
the original table's stats and the stats collected on the copy table built with the WITH NO DATA AND STATISTICS statement and reveal the
differences :-)
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