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Message Posted: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 @ 22:02:00 GMT
Subj: | | Reporting Performance by User or Group |
From: | | Watry, Mike |
I am currently reviewing some server performance issues of our Teradata Server and am trying to identify the groups utilizing the Database
during this time. Essentially I have three main groups that source or target the Teradata Server. I want to be able to show management the usage
of each group during peak times. I am using the qrylog table to sum the CPU time and I\O.
Here is the query that I am using today. Do these metrics have any meaning? Is there a better way to achieve a usage report by user or
select Username, AcctStringDate, ownername, RoleName, ProfileName, extract (hour from
CollectTimeSTamp), sum(ElapsedTime), sum(totalIOCount), sum(AMPCPUTIME) from DBC.qrylog
QL join dbc.dbase DB on DB.Databasename = QL.username where collecttimestamp >
'2009-07-20 00:00:47.43'
group by 1,2,3,4,5,6
| |