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Message Posted: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 @ 16:16:00 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Between: not working as expected |
From: | | Geoffrey Rommel |
The goal here, IMHO, is to find out what is actually stored in the database. Since Exit_date is a date column, it can't really have blanks;
those are either nulls or some unusual date that has been changed to blanks by ODBC or something.
Probably the easiest way to find out the true contents of the column is this:
select cast(cast(Exit_date as format 'YYYY-MM-DD') as char(10)) ...
This will work in BTEQ or SQL Assistant.
As others have pointed out, "X between A and B" is equivalent to "X >= A and X <= B". Once you know what is actually in the column, the
behavior of Between should explain itself.