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Message Posted: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 @ 15:39:45 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Working with duplicate rows |
From: | | D silva, Joseph Vinish |
| I have a multiset table with duplicate rows. Rows with same values across all the columns. | |
| Is it possible to find out, which record was inserted the last. | |
| note: in oracle, there is something as rowid, which is used for this. | |
I am afraid not, I guess my question would be, even if you hypothetically knew which row came first/last ... What is the objective of knowing
that ?
If you are planning to "delete" the rows that came in later, It doesn't make any difference from an SQL perspective whether you deleted the
"first" row or the "last" row ... All SQL cares is that it finds a row with the required values.
So perhaps the question would be how to get rid of duplicate records ...
Most folks prefer to do an insert/select into a SET table to accomplish that.
That's my $0.02 on this ...
Joseph D'silva
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