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Message Posted: Sat, 19 May 2007 @ 22:40:55 GMT
Subj: | | Skew on voltile table |
From: | | Castelli Emanuel Alejandro |
Hi all...here's my question:
I want to know the skew factor of a volatile table. Actually, I run this query:
select databasename,
SUM(cast(t.currentspool as decimal(18,0))/(1024*1024)) perm_mb,
100*((cast(max(t.currentspool ) as decimal(18,3)) -
cast(ave(t.currentspool ) as decimal(18,3))))
/(nullif(cast(max(t.currentspool) as decimal(18,3)),0)) as tableskew,
100*((cast(max(t.currentspool ) as decimal(18,3)) -
cast(min(t.currentspool ) as decimal(18,3))))
/(nullif(cast(min(t.currentspool) as decimal(18,3)),0) ) as tablevariance
from dbc.diskspace t
where databasename = 'MY_USER'
group by 1;
It's OK, but it works when I have only a table in spool. I need to calculate the skew for an specified table when I have more than a table in
spool. Is there other table where I can watch this information?
Thanks in advance.
Castelli, Emanuel Alejandro
Desarrollo DataWarehouse - IBM Argentina
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