Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 @ 22:48:09 GMT
Subj: | | Performance Tips for SQLPLUS / Named Pipes / |
From: | | Cox, David |
We have built a datamart on our Teradata server that is primarily sourced from an Oracle database.
We are well satisfied with the datamart and want to put the ETL process into production. To do this, we need to move to using Oracle Sqlplus
code that is run from Korn shells. The data passes through a named pipe on it's way to the Teradata fastload utlility. We will perform full
table copies from the Oracle database The ETL is a full table copy from Oracle to Teradata.
Performance of the ETL process described above is slower than we had anticipated. We are having trouble seeing where the performance hit is
occuring. Has anyone else had experience using an ETL process that involves Sqlplus / Korn scripts / named pipes / Fastload? Can you give us any
advice on tuning this?
David A. Cox
Business Intelligence Analyst