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Archives of the TeradataForumMessage Posted: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 @ 22:49:46 GMT
Hi, We are doing bench marking on Teradata Partition to determine its impact on query performance improvement. However, we are finding some strange behavior with partition of tables and query performance. There are 2 main issues found. 1) Partitioned not considered in join 2) Partition not considered when used CASE statement in SQL WHERE clause. The detail explanation is written below. I am hoping that some of you may be able to provide some input. Issue 1 - Partition not considered in join While joining ods1_shipment_status_test partitioned table (which is having partition defined on ods1_status_type_id column) with ods1_shipment_stop and ods1_shipment_type tables. The query does not show any performance improvement with paritions or without partition. The execution time is almost same for both query 5.02mins. Table definition dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_status_test CREATE MULTISET TABLE dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_status_test ,NO FALLBACK , NO BEFORE JOURNAL, NO AFTER JOURNAL, CHECKSUM = DEFAULT ( ods1_shipment_id DECIMAL(9,0) NOT NULL, ods1_status_type_id DECIMAL(4,0) NOT NULL, status_val_gid CHAR(60) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL COMPRESS ('VEH1.APPROVED ','VEH1.AWAITING_CALL_OFF_NO ','VEH1.AWAITING_CALL_OFF_YES ','VEH1.CLOCK NOT TICKING ','VEH1.CLOCK TICKING ','VEH1.COMPLETE ','VEH1.CONTROLLED DELIVERY OFF ','VEH1.CONTROLLED DELIVERY ON ','VEH1.EVENT MISSING ','VEH1.EVENT SEQUENCE ERROR ','VEH1.INCOMPLETE MISSING ACTUAL ','VEH1.NO MSE STATUS ','VEH1.NOT RECEIVED ','VEH1.NOT SHIPPED ','VEH1.OSV HOLD NO STATUS ','VEH1.OSV HOLD OFF ','VEH1.OSV HOLD ON ','VEH1.RECEIVED ','VEH1.RECEIVED MANUAL ','VEH1.SHIPMENT HOLD OFF ','VEH1.SHIPMENT HOLD ON ','VEH1.SHIPMENT NOT MONITORED ','VEH1.SHIPMENT ON TIME ','VEH1.SHIPMENT ONE DAY LATE ','VEH1.SHIPMENT TWO DAYS LATE ','VEH1.SHIPPED ','VEH1.SHIPPED MANUAL ','VEH1.SHP TRAF HOLD OFF ','VEH1.SHP TRAF HOLD ON ','VEH1.STATUS OK '), last_mod_user CHAR(20) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL COMPRESS ('VEH1.EAI ','VEH1.RXGOEHRICK '), updt_dt TIMESTAMP(6) COMPRESS , insert_dt TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL, last_mod_load_instance_id DECIMAL(9,0) NOT NULL, dw_delete_dt DATE FORMAT 'yyyy-mm-dd' COMPRESS ) PRIMARY INDEX ods1_shpmt_stat_nupi ( ods1_shipment_id ) PARTITION BY CASE_N( ods1_status_type_id = 63 , ods1_status_type_id = 65 , ods1_status_type_id = 66 , ods1_status_type_id = 67 , ods1_status_type_id = 70 , ods1_status_type_id = 71 , ods1_status_type_id = 72 , ods1_status_type_id = 73 , ods1_status_type_id = 77 , ods1_status_type_id = 78 , ods1_status_type_id = 342 , NO CASE OR UNKNOWN) UNIQUE INDEX ods1_shipment_status_pk ( ods1_shipment_id ,ods1_status_type_id ); Total number of records in dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_status_test :- 78,080,999 dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_stop CREATE MULTISET TABLE dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_stop ,NO FALLBACK , NO BEFORE JOURNAL, NO AFTER JOURNAL, CHECKSUM = DEFAULT ( ods1_shipment_id DECIMAL(9,0) NOT NULL, stop_nbr DECIMAL(4,0) NOT NULL, domain_nm CHAR(10) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL COMPRESS ('GMAT ','MAT1 ','VEH1 '), load_instance_id DECIMAL(9,0) NOT NULL, dw_delete_dt DATE FORMAT 'yyyy-mm-dd' COMPRESS , CONSTRAINT ods1_shpmt_stp_shpmt_fk FOREIGN KEY ( ods1_shipment_id ) REFERENCES WITH NO CHECK OPTION DVD1_T.ODS1_SHIPMENT ( ods1_shipment_id )) PRIMARY INDEX ods1_shpmt_stp_nupi ( ods1_shipment_id ) UNIQUE INDEX ods1_shipment_stop_pk ( ods1_shipment_id ,stop_nbr ); Total number of records in dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_stop :- 47380141 dvd1_t.ods1_status_type CREATE MULTISET TABLE dvd1_t.ods1_status_type ,NO FALLBACK , NO BEFORE JOURNAL, NO AFTER JOURNAL, CHECKSUM = DEFAULT ( ods1_status_type_id DECIMAL(9,0) NOT NULL, status_type_gid VARCHAR(101) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, object_type VARCHAR(80) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL, descr VARCHAR(500) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, domain_nm CHAR(10) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL COMPRESS ('GMAT ','MAT1 ','VEH1 '), sequence DECIMAL(2,0) NOT NULL, is_external_ind CHAR(1) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL, xid VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, updt_user VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, updt_dt TIMESTAMP(6) COMPRESS , insert_user VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, insert_dt TIMESTAMP(6), load_instance_id DECIMAL(9,0) NOT NULL, update_load_instance_id DECIMAL(9,0) COMPRESS , dw_delete_dt DATE FORMAT 'yyyy-mm-dd' COMPRESS ) UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX ods1_status_type_pk ( ods1_status_type_id ); Total number of records in dvd1_t.ods1_status_type :- 343 Query with partition table locking row for access select shp_stat.* from dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_stop shp_stop, dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_status_test shp_stat, dvd1_t.ods1_status_type stat_typ where shp_stop.ods1_shipment_id = shp_stat.ods1_shipment_id and shp_stat.ods1_status_type_id = stat_typ.ods1_status_type_id and shp_stop.stop_nbr=2 and stat_typ.status_type_gid='VEH1.SHP COMPLETE' Execution Time :- 00:05:02 Output record count :- 8672050 EXPLAIN PLAN
Query without partition table locking row for access select shp_stat.* from dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_stop shp_stop, dvd1_t.ods1_shipment_status shp_stat, dvd1_t.ods1_status_type stat_typ where shp_stop.ods1_shipment_id = shp_stat.ods1_shipment_id and shp_stat.ods1_status_type_id = stat_typ.ods1_status_type_id and shp_stop.stop_nbr=2 and stat_typ.status_type_gid='VEH1.SHP COMPLETE' Execution Time :- 00:05:02 Output record count :- 8672050 EXPLAIN PLAN
Issue 2 - Partition not considered if we use case statement in where clause Created partition on ods1_ob_status_history_test table on date field event_dt. When we hard code the date in the where clause then it's using partition and query response is fast. However, if we use 'CASE' statement in where clause then it's not using partition and response is slower than the query without partition. Here are the details Table Definition CREATE MULTISET TABLE dvd1_t.ods1_ob_status_history_test ,NO FALLBACK , NO BEFORE JOURNAL, NO AFTER JOURNAL, CHECKSUM = DEFAULT ( ods1_order_basis_id DECIMAL(9,0) NOT NULL, i_transaction_no DECIMAL(10,0) NOT NULL, reporting_gluser VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, bs_event_group_gid VARCHAR(101) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, bs_contact_nm VARCHAR(120) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, bs_contact_function_cd VARCHAR(101) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, event_dt TIMESTAMP(6), bs_status_cd_gid VARCHAR(101) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, servprov_alias_val VARCHAR(101) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, tm_zone_gid VARCHAR(101) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, status_level VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, ob_refnum_gid VARCHAR(101) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, bs_status_reason_cd_gid VARCHAR(101) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, domain_nm CHAR(10) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL COMPRESS ('GMAT ','MAT1 ','VEH1 '), insert_user VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, insert_dt TIMESTAMP(6), updt_user VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC, updt_dt TIMESTAMP(6), load_instance_id DECIMAL(9,0) NOT NULL, dw_delete_dt DATE FORMAT 'yyyy-mm-dd' COMPRESS , ods1_svc_dvd1r_alias_qlfr_id DECIMAL(4,0), ods1_order_refnum_qual_id DECIMAL(9,0), updt_load_instance_id DECIMAL(9,0) COMPRESS ) PRIMARY INDEX ordr_bss_stat_hist_nupi ( ods1_order_basis_id ) PARTITION BY RANGE_N(CAST((event_dt ) AS DATE) BETWEEN DATE '1992-01-01' AND DATE '2003-12-31', DATE '2004-01-01' AND DATE '2004-12-31' EACH INTERVAL '1' YEAR , DATE '2005-01-01' AND DATE '2005-12-31' EACH INTERVAL '1' YEAR , DATE '2006-01-01' AND DATE '2006-12-31' EACH INTERVAL '1' YEAR , DATE '2007-01-01' AND DATE '2007-12-31' EACH INTERVAL '1' YEAR , DATE '2008-01-01' AND DATE '2008-12-31' EACH INTERVAL '1' YEAR , DATE '2009-01-01' AND DATE '2009-12-31' EACH INTERVAL '1' YEAR , NO RANGE OR UNKNOWN) UNIQUE INDEX ob_status_history_pk ( ods1_order_basis_id ,i_transaction_no ); Total number of records in dvd1_t.ods1_ob_status_history_test :- 78080999 Query with hard coded date select * from dvd1_t.ods1_ob_status_history_test where event_dt >'2006-01-01 00:00:00' Execution Time :- 00:00:57 Output record count :- 25831065 EXPLAIN PLAN
Query with case statement select * from dvd1_t.ods1_ob_status_history_test where event_dt >= CASE WHEN extract(month FROM CURRENT_DATE) <4 THEN CAST((TRIM(extract(year FROM CURRENT_DATE) -1) || '-10-01 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP(6)) ELSE CAST((TRIM(extract(year FROM CURRENT_DATE) ) || '-01-01 00:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP(6)) END Execution Time :- 00:02:06 Output record count :- 25831065 EXPLAIN PLAN
Regards, Roopali Doshi
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