Archives of the TeradataForumMessage Posted: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 @ 16:37:10 GMT
Seeing that you are attempting to do what is basically an admin function, a stored procedure is a perfect solution. Steps: 1. ct columntable (dbname varchar(30), tblname varchar(30), rowcount integer) unique primary index (dbname, tblname) 2. replace procedure colfinder (IN colname varchar(30), IN val2find integer) begin declare cnt integer; for curptr as myloop cursor for select trim(databasename) as db,trim(tablename) as tbl from dbc.columns where columnname=:colname do call dbc.sysexecsql('insert into columntable select '''||curptr.db||''' , '''||curptr.tbl||''',count(*)from ' ||curptr.db||'.'||curptr.tbl||' where '||colname||' = '||val2find||';'); end for; end; 3. call colfinder ('dept_no',200) This will bring back any table name in any database and ins both names into the columntable along with the number rows in the table that contain the value passed to it. This will also include tablenames with zero rows in the table. If this is not what you want, you need to add a HAVING. Cause on copying and pasting this SP. when you see '' or ''' they are not double quotes. They are multiple single quotes in order to obtain a literal single quote in the SQL statement. Of course you can rename the tables and SP to any name you prefer. Hope this helps, Michael Larkins
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