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Message Posted: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 @ 18:02:37 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Index Mechanism? |
From: | | Victor Sokovin |
| In the first case value of Col1 will be used while inserting and pulling the data from AMPs. But how exactly the Indexing will work in the
second case? Is it the case that the combination of Col1 and Col2 will be HASHED and then that hash value is used to insert or pull data from
database? | |
Dieter once spilled the beans: .
I can appreciate the commutativity part: PI(A, B) = PI(B, A).
But what is the importance of the second part,
Hash (A) * Hash (B) + Hash (A) + Hash (B) =
Hash (B) * Hash (A) + Hash (B) + Hash (A) ?
I hope this new take on composite PI will help me understand this.