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Message Posted: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 @ 22:44:23 GMT

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Subj:   Re: DBQL just a WEE BIT large
From:   Diehl, Robert


Sorry can't help you with documents.

You have free reign on cleanup of the DBQL tables. These tables are a lot like the Resusage tables as they are only there to help identify problems or see trends. In fact you cannot even back up DBQL DBC tables. So if you cannot back them up they must not be important (at least not for system recovery). Here is what we and many other sites do.

1) created 'HISTORY' tables in another database. These history tables can be a simple full copy of the table with proper datatypes and compression added. You will save 50% just by removing fallback. I think we saved another 30-50 with compression. We also added username to the tables so joins are not necessary.

2) created summary tables of the information so we can do trending over very long times. These summary tables will depend on your location.

3) We only keep 2 days in DBC tables the rest is moved nightly to the History and summary tables. The history tables are kept for 90 days. The summary tables are kept for several years.


Bob Diehl

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