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Message Posted: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 @ 11:04:41 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Design Considerations for FS-LDM/3NF model |
From: | | Dieter Noeth |
Rishi Agarwal wrote:
| I am working on a migration project where the existing denormalized data model will be converted to the model based on Teradata FS-LDM. On
what basis primary index is created on a table in 3NF modelling. Is it a good idea to go for UPI on PK columns. UPI will result in good
performance while loading the data, but this might have impact on access. Is there any standard/guidelines available for designing the indexes on
FS-LDM tables. | |
Regardless of your business a PI is chosen based on access/joins/distibution and in many cases this results in NUPIs instead of UPIs.
Check the Teradata Database Design manual for all the details...
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