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Message Posted: Mon, 23 May 2005 @ 19:55:20 GMT
Subj: | | Group by on one column but select multiple columns |
From: | | Anomy Anom |
<-- Anonymously Posted: Monday, May 23, 2005 15:22 -->
How do I write the following query with out a derived table. I want to get the maximum last_dt for a corresponding emp_name. Then I also want
to display emp_id for a emp_name and last_dt. I am doing it like this. But becaz of the table size, I am getting spool space error frequently.
How can I do it efficiently. My other choice to avoid spool space was to create a volatile table instead of derived table.
select emp_name, emp_id, last_dt
employee K1,
select emp_id, max(last_dt)
from employee
group by 1
) K2(emp_id, max_last_dt)
K1.emp_id = K2.emp_id
K1.last_dt = K2.last_dt;
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