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Message Posted: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 @ 10:40:33 GMT

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Subj:   PDF Document Selector
From:   John Hall

I normally download the Teradata PDF documentation from the NCR website and keep it on my laptop. To make it easy to find the document that I'm looking for, I created a HLP file called TeraDoc.hlp. I just updated TeraDoc to include the new V2R5.1 PDFs and I thought that I would put it on the website in case others might like to use it (it's freeware and no guarantees are made for it).

In addition to the simple task of selecting a document and starting Acrobat Reader, the HLP file contains a concordance for each document. This makes it possible to find all the documents that contain a specific word (sorry, no boolean or phrase searches).

FWIW: the program that I've written to generate the concordance is still being worked on and although it does a pretty good job, I still have more work to do.

Once you've selected the document, you'll need to repeat the search within the Acrobat Reader. I've been playing around with initiating the Acrobat search from within TeraDoc, but I'm a long way from having a solution.

In addition to the Teradata documentation, I've also included a few OS/390 documents from IBM - primarily the message manuals.

To install: Place TeraDoc.hlp and the desired PDFs together in a single directory. Although TeraDoc has concordances for all the documents, you only need to download the PDF files that you actually use. Create a shortcut to TeraDoc.hlp. Double-click the shortcut and give TeraDoc a try.

I've added a webpage for TeraDoc.hlp in the Library area and it can be downloaded from there:


I normally update TeraDoc whenever a bunch of documents have been released. As I do updates (maybe once or twice a year), I'll place the new version on the webpage.

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