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Message Posted: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 @ 17:17:43 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Help with creation of collect stats script |
From: | | tristan.bayliff |
Hi Prabhjot,
I think the following example may do what you're after. I can't see a way around not having a control table to indicate which columns
need to be grouped together for a stats collection so the first table is used to indicate column name, which group of columns to collect
stats on it belongs to and the position within the group.
Tris Bayliff.
-- Create temp table to store columns and hierarchy
create volatile table stats_control
(columnname char(30)
,statsgroup byteint
,colpos byteint
index (columnname, statsgroup, colpos)
on commit preserve rows
-- insert columnname, grouping sequence number, col sequence number
within group
insert into stats_control ('col2',1, 1)
; insert into stats_control ('col3',2, 1)
; insert into stats_control ('col4',2, 2)
; insert into stats_control ('col4',3, 1)
-- Build working table with details of all databases and tables
create volatile table stats_control_tmp
as (select b.databasename
from stats_control a
,dbc.columns b
where a.columnname = b.columnname
group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
with data
unique primary index (databasename, tablename, columnname, statsgroup, colpos)
on commit preserve rows
-- Generate collect stats SQL
select case
when a.colpos = 1
then ' collect stats on '
else ''
end (title '')
when a.colpos = 1
then 'column ('
else ' ,'||trim(a.columnname)
end (title '')
when a.colpos = dt.max_pos
then ');'
else ' '
end (title '')
from stats_control_tmp a
,(select databasename as max_db
,tablename as max_tb
,statsgroup as max_grp
,max(colpos) as max_pos
from stats_control_tmp
group by 1, 2, 3
) dt
where a.databasename = dt.max_db
and a.tablename = dt.max_tb
and a.statsgroup = dt.max_grp
order by a.databasename
| |