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Message Posted: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 @ 17:51:15 GMT
Subj: | | FASTLOAD and a Decimal field |
From: | | Tony Howe |
I have a file on the mainframe that's used to load a DB2 table which we want to now use to load a Teradata table. DB2 defines this field
as DECIMAL EXT(9,2), on the input statements for it's LOAD utility which looks like this 000001048 (hex format) on the file, which
translates to 0000010.48 It actually uses 9 bytes.
This needs to be translated to a DECIMAL(9,2) column on the Teradata, but I don't know how to handle this in the Teradata FASTLOAD
DEFINE. If I make it CHAR(9) it loses the DECIMAL place and become 1048.00 instead of 10.48, not a good thing! Since Teradata doesn't have
a DECIMAL EXT datatype for it's DEFINE statement any suggestion on how I can do this in FASTLOAD to load the Teradata table using this same
input file???
Anthony S. Howe
Teradata Certified Master
Teradata Database Administrator
Highmark, Inc.
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