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Message Posted: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 @ 18:17:43 GMT
Subj: | | Limit to the number of FastExports at any given time. |
From: | | Anomy Anom |
<-- Anonymously Posted: Thursday, August 14, 2003 14:17 -->
We get the following message when we have more than 5 Fastexport jobs running at one time at our site. How do we up this limit?
- -
- FastExport Initial Phase -
- -
**** 13:40:21 UTY8700 Options in effect for this FastExport task:
. Sessions: 2 session(s).
. Blocksize: 64260 bytes.
. Outlimit: No limit in effect.
**** 13:40:21 UTY8715 FastExport is submitting the following request:
Select NULL from PRBONI.SAS_FE_LOG01376487621 where (LogType = 220) and
(Seq = 1) and (FExptSeq = 0);
**** 13:40:22 UTY8701 Attempt to connect Export session(s) failed
due to the following RDBMS error, code = '2633':
'Too many Fast/MultiLoads, FastExport running: try again later.'
Will try again in '6' minutes.