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Message Posted: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 @ 17:53:26 GMT

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Subj:   Re: V2R5 Demo for Linux
From:   Charles Farley


If the return key wasn't so darn convenient... Sorry about the last post.

Anywho, I just wanted to interject some of myself into what was said, if you'll all be so indulgent... My replies are "between teh lines"... Thanks to all.

--- "Walter, Carol" wrote:

  NCR's criteria for the Linux evaluation?
Market Demand for Teradata on Linux
Linux robustness for Production workload (high
availability, non-stop, etc.)
Open Source implications on Teradata

  Concern about availability?  


True, but SteelEye has a lifekeeper implementation out for linux and has for a year or so. And since my teradata nodes depend not so much on the OS as they do the hardware for their uptime, I would point out that I can (and have) install linux on my NCR nodes and it works VERY well, just need some drivers for bynet and such...


  To be measured.  

Agreed and I do not know what NCR uses of the OS for teradata performance, but I would leave this to them.


  Will require training of resources to provide support as well as functional characterization of Teradata on Linux for presales assistance.  

I'd ask that NCR look to what HP and IBM are doing in their support offerings or perhaps contract with one of them, they are already well into this for support and such, and leveraging their work may have some great benefits to NCR in the cut of overhead/research in that area...

  Evaluation looking at just one distribution of Linux or a roll-your-own approach?  

  Still being assessed.  

Agreed, since no one seems to be able to put out a distro that appeals to everyone. I will say that RedHat is VERY dominant in North Amer., but that SuSE is apparently still dominant in Europe (could be wrong there), so how to go about being a global company and offer somehting that everyone can be happy with and allow for vendor support if those vendors still seem a bit US focused? I agree and NCR might have to throw some weight around on one of the distro vendors, but they are as hungry for dollars as anyone and the promise of a solid market like the one Teradata offers is not without a tremendous draw to any of them... I just want to remind NCR not to think itself a small fish in this sea, but a good sized fish that is very different and interesting compared to your average halibut...

I'd also like to take a couple of lines and thanks EVERYONE on the list for their support and followups, I've been VERY excited by teh interest in linux and teradata and I truly enjoy seeing the interest taken and the notice that it brings with it to NCR. I can't help but think that there are certainly lurkers here and others that pass these posts on to those that may "need" to see them, but don't have time to sort through a list server or digest....

Anyway, a great big THANK YOU to everyone on the list,

have a good one,


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