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Message Posted: Wed, 14 May 2003 @ 20:14:35 GMT
Subj: | | Re: V2R5 Compatibility with MSI 7.1 |
From: | | Anomy Anom |
<-- Anonymously Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 13:52 -->
Hello Ron,
I presume you would be using the V2R4.1 DBMS object for your MicroStrategy projects although your warehouse is V2R5. Currently there is
no DBMS object for V2R5 in the 7.1.x version as far as I know. I believe with 7.2.3 we will be seeing the V2R5 DBMS object.
The SQL in both cases should be identical and you should have no problems. The only feature difference is in dealing with COUNT DISTINCT
metrics. As you know V2R5 supports multiple COUNT DISTINCT's in the SELECT clause. Although your warehouse supports the multiple COUNT
DISTINCTS, MicroStrategy will still think its generating SQL for V2R4.1 platform and break the COUNT DISTINCT metrics into separate
temporary tables or separate derived tables, rather than resolving it in a single pass.
Hope this helps