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Message Posted: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 @ 14:16:16 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Error 6706: Untranslatable Character |
From: | | Chad Baker |
Yes, I recently spent more time than I am willing to admit to isolating the character that generates this error. It is a cntl-Z (0x1A or
\x1A). You have a cntl-Z in the Cst_Cb_Cd column. You can use the translate_chk to identify the row(s) and then you can update the row in
question to remove the cntl-Z.
You can adapt the following query to isolate the row(s) in question.
select key from (select key, translate_chk( col using
latin_to_unicode) pain from table) derq where pain <> 0;
Chad Baker
Senior Technical Analyst
FedEx Services