Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 @ 23:19:40 GMT
Subj: | | Re: History table monthend logic |
From: | | Sukesan, Ambili |
I am not very clear on your requirement but a variation of the following SQL could work.
select acct_num,plan_code,plan_start_date,plan_end_dt
from plan_history
where plan_beg_dt <= '31-NOV-2002' and
plan_end_dt <= '31-NOV-2002' /* this will give history before
or pplan_end_dt = '9999-12-31'
/* this should give the transaction opened before
NOV-30 and still current */
qualify csum(1,acct_num,plan_code,plan_start_dt desc, plan_end_dt desc )
= group by acct_num,plan_code
/* If you want only the latest you would use a OLAP function to qualify
the latest */
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