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Message Posted: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 @ 14:39:02 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Number of ACTIVE users |
From: | | John Hall |
Hmmm - My experimentation with ASE isn't all that recent and so some things have probably changed. Maybe the difference between what
I've seen and your own experience has to do with whether the dictionary information was in cache or not. My experimentation was largely
done on systems that were nearly idle and so I imagine that all the dictionary stuff was already cached.
With your experience, do you see information being gathered for ALL logons or just the ones that you've noticed? My point being that if
your system was doing a lot of DDL (and the cache was being spoiled), then it seems reasonable that you're more likely to have seen AMP
activity for the logon and given my environment, I wouldn't.
Your point about the Performance Group is right and I should have thought about it. I haven't worked on a system where Performance
Groups have been used and so I haven't had to deal with it yet. Thanks for calling attention to it.