Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 @ 13:56:31 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Backups & Recoveries |
From: | | John Hall |
There are numerous Teradata customers who regularly back-up what you would call a 'Live' database. Beyond something that is largely a
scheduling issue, it's relatively easy and there's enough information in the Archive manual to assist in developing a back-up strategy.
Static tables can be archived as necessary. Remember that your users can still read the table at the same time you're archiving it -
with truly minimal performance impact.
For dynamic ('Live') tables, journaling may be your best bet. Alternately, you can have snapshot tables where you copy the contents of
the dynamic table into a temporary table and then perform the archive on that table (of course, this requires that you have the extra perm
space). The approach that I see most often is that the updating application is taken-down for a period of time (like an early Sunday
morning, once a month).
I actually think that the archive issue is best examined from the point-of-view of your recovery expectations: Do you have a recovery
machine, how long do you have to recover, does it have to be a full recovery or can it be incremental, etc.
All of this, of course, depends on your service commitments to your users and the amount of risk that you're permitted to take. If you
can be more specific about your needs and expectations, the list should be able to give much better answers.