Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 @ 18:14:06 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Statistics about table statistics |
From: | | Tobianna Zappe |
Here is an SQL that was written by Frank Slovac from NCR to help me answer the same question that you have:
c.databasenamei as DatabaseName,
b.tvmnamei as TableName,
a.fieldname as ColumnName,
cast((case when substr(fieldstatistics,1,1) = 'D2'XB
then '2002-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,1,1) = 'D1'XB
then '2001-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,1,1) = 'D0'XB
then '2000-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,1,1) = 'CF'XB
then '1999-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,1,1) = 'CE'XB
then '1998-'
else NULL
(case when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '01'XB
then '01-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '02'XB
then '02-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '03'XB
then '03-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '04'XB
then '04-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '05'XB
then '05-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '06'XB
then '06-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '07'XB
then '07-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '08'XB
then '08-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '09'XB
then '09-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '0A'XB
then '10-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '0B'XB
then '11-'
when substr(fieldstatistics,3,1) = '0C'XB
then '12-'
else 'xx-'
(case when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '01'XB
then '01'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '02'XB
then '02'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '03'XB
then '03'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '04'XB
then '04'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '05'XB
then '05'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '06'XB
then '06'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '07'XB
then '07'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '08'XB
then '08'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '09'XB
then '09'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '0A'XB
then '10'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '0B'XB
then '11'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '0C'XB
then '12'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '0D'XB
then '13'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '0E'XB
then '14'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '0F'XB
then '15'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '10'XB
then '16'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '11'XB
then '17'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '12'XB
then '18'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '13'XB
then '19'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '14'XB
then '20'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '15'XB
then '21'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '16'XB
then '22'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '17'XB
then '23'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '18'XB
then '24'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '19'XB
then '25'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '1A'XB
then '26'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '1B'XB
then '27'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '1C'XB
then '28'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '1D'XB
then '29'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '1E'XB
then '30'
when substr(fieldstatistics,4,1) = '1F'XB
then '31'
else 'xx'
end)as date) as CollectionDate,
cast(substr(cast(a.lastaltertimestamp as char(32)),1,10) as date) as LastAlter,
date - collectiondate as FromCurrent,
lastalter - collectiondate as FromAlter
dbc.tvfields a,
dbc.tvm b,
dbc.dbase c
where a.tableid = b.tvmid
and b.tablekind = 'T'
and b.databaseid = c.databaseid
and upper(trim(c.databasenamei)) in
and a. fieldstatistics is not null
order by 1,2,3
NOTE: This will check for fieldstatistics. You can also check indexstatistics by changing the column.
Hope this is what you were looking for!
Tobi Zappe
Nationwide Insurance
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