Archives of the TeradataForum
Message Posted: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 @ 19:29:38 GMT
Subj: | | Re: Real-time loading and transformations |
From: | | Mary M. Conley |
This may not be exactly what you are looking for .....
At AT&T, my production Teradata system is used for OLTP, in which we only allow 1 & 2 amp operations while the on-lines are up.
Therefore we severely limit queries of the data by users. To compensate for this, we keep a copy of the data on another machine for users
to access. We have implemented a process where every 60 minutes we apply the updates from production onto the copy database. We have
journaling on the tables in both databases.
We began the process by Arcmain dumping the tables and journal from production, and then Arcmain copying the tables and journal to the
copy database. Then every 60 minutes we dump the production journal and apply the updates to the copy database and then roll forward. The
only time we stop the hourly process is when we are dumping production. Once a month we totally refresh the copy database from production.
All of these processes are controlled by our MVS scheduling system.
Shelly Conley