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Message Posted: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 @ 19:29:57 GMT

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Subj:   Re: Moving objects from Oracle 7.3 to Teradata V2R3
From:   Dave Ahnell

To date we've only migrated one small Oracle instance over. It went smoothly with no data issues that were not explainable. We don't maintain a time component in our dates or use year values that large so we wouldn't have that issue anyway.

We generate DDL from ERwin by making a simple target schema change, updating various physical properties specific to Teradata, and then let the tool generate the scripts to create the objects.

For the initial instance, and probably the others as well, we just use Fastload to load the entire database with the same data that was in our production Oracle instance. Since we entirely reload our Oracle instances at each load period, and the largest instance has less than 100GB of raw data, this is not a huge issue for us.

Our largest issue has been converting all of our shell scripts, SQL*Plus scripts, etc. , to Teradata BTEQ, Fastload, etc. We had entire load scripting processes in place for Oracle that were developed over a long period of time, and thus this has been no small task.

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