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Message Posted: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 @ 09:09:19 GMT
Subj: | | Re: ACCEPTable in Fastload / BTEQ |
From: | | Howard Bradley |
Firstly thanks for the reply Wayne , unfortunately we are an MVS site so it doesn't solve my problem .
Dave , thanks for the reply also . I had considered the default database option but it doesn't solve the problem in most of our scripts
as we need to specify more than one database within the job . Typically a database for temporary work tables and a different database for
the final table .
We have a requirement to use the same basic script to populate different tables under different circumstances and I was trying to avoid
multiple versions of essentially the same logical job . I hoped there was something available similar to .ACCEPT which I was unaware of .
Looks like I will have to do some significant re development.
Thanks anyway .
Howard .