CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY THANNAN.LERNER_METRIC_OLD_TOOL AS procedure pMain is cursor cur is select shop_nbr from igor_elig_stores; begin execute immediate 'truncate table old_igor_tool_result'; commit; for rec in cur loop -- Spring forecast error in igor_final_result_2 table lerner_metric_old_tool.pResult(to_char(rec.shop_nbr), 'thannan.igor_styles_hist_spr23', 'thannan.igor_act_spr03_chain', 'thannan.igor_tst_spr03', 'thannan.igor_act_spr02', 'thannan.igor_tst_spr02', 'thannan.igor_dept_store_avg_spr02', 'thannan.igor_dept_avg_spr02', 'igor_dept_class'); execute immediate 'truncate table igor_bf_si_tool'; commit; insert into igor_bf_si_tool (style_nbr, bf, si) select /*+ index(c) index(d)*/ a.style_nbr, avg(c.sales_units)/(0.0000001 + avg(d.sales_units)), avg(e.sales_units)/(0.00000001 + avg(f.sales_units)) from thannan.igor_act_spr03 c, thannan.igor_tst_spr03 d, thannan.igor_styles_hist_spr23 a, igor_dept_class h, thannan.igor_dept_store_avg_spr03 e, thannan.igor_dept_avg_spr03 f where c.shop_nbr = rec.shop_nbr and d.shop_nbr = c.shop_nbr and d.style_nbr = c.style_nbr and a.style_nbr = c.style_nbr and h.style_nbr = d.style_nbr and e.shop_nbr = d.shop_nbr and h.dept_nbr = e.dept_nbr and e.dept_nbr = f.dept_nbr group by a.style_nbr; commit; insert into old_igor_tool_result (shop_nbr, class_nbr, season, bf_cur, si_cur, fst_accuracy) select rec.shop_nbr, a.style_nbr, 'SPRING',,, b.sales_units from igor_bf_si_tool a, igor_final_result_2 b where a.style_nbr = b.style_nbr; commit; --------------------------------------------------- /* SUMMER SEASON */ ---------------------------------------------------- lerner_metric_old_tool.pResult(to_char(rec.shop_nbr), 'thannan.igor_styles_hist_sum23', 'thannan.igor_act_sum03_chain', 'thannan.igor_tst_sum03', 'thannan.igor_act_sum02', 'thannan.igor_tst_sum02', 'thannan.igor_dept_store_avg_sum02', 'thannan.igor_dept_avg_sum02', 'igor_dept_class'); execute immediate 'truncate table igor_bf_si_tool'; commit; insert into igor_bf_si_tool (style_nbr, bf, si) select /*+ index(c) index(d)*/ a.style_nbr, avg(c.sales_units)/(0.0000001 + avg(d.sales_units)), avg(e.sales_units)/(0.00000001 + avg(f.sales_units)) from thannan.igor_act_sum03 c, thannan.igor_tst_sum03 d, thannan.igor_styles_hist_sum23 a, igor_dept_class h, thannan.igor_dept_store_avg_sum03 e, thannan.igor_dept_avg_sum03 f where c.shop_nbr = rec.shop_nbr and d.shop_nbr = c.shop_nbr and d.style_nbr = c.style_nbr and a.style_nbr = c.style_nbr and h.style_nbr = d.style_nbr and e.shop_nbr = d.shop_nbr and h.dept_nbr = e.dept_nbr and e.dept_nbr = f.dept_nbr group by a.style_nbr; commit; insert into old_igor_tool_result (shop_nbr, class_nbr, season, bf_cur, si_cur, fst_accuracy) select rec.shop_nbr, a.style_nbr, 'SUMMER',,, b.sales_units from igor_bf_si_tool a, igor_final_result_2 b where a.style_nbr = b.style_nbr; commit; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* FALL SEASON */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- pResult(to_char(rec.shop_nbr), 'thannan.igor_styles_hist_fal23', 'thannan.igor_act_fal03_chain', 'thannan.igor_tst_fal03', 'thannan.igor_act_fal02', 'thannan.igor_tst_fal02', 'thannan.igor_dept_store_avg_fal02', 'thannan.igor_dept_avg_fal02', 'igor_dept_class'); execute immediate 'truncate table igor_bf_si_tool'; commit; insert into igor_bf_si_tool (style_nbr, bf, si) select /*+ index(c) index(d)*/ a.style_nbr, avg(c.sales_units)/(0.0000001 + avg(d.sales_units)), avg(e.sales_units)/(0.00000001 + avg(f.sales_units)) from thannan.igor_act_fal03 c, thannan.igor_tst_fal03 d, thannan.igor_styles_hist_fal23 a, igor_dept_class h, thannan.igor_dept_store_avg_fal03 e, thannan.igor_dept_avg_fal03 f where c.shop_nbr = rec.shop_nbr and d.shop_nbr = c.shop_nbr and d.style_nbr = c.style_nbr and a.style_nbr = c.style_nbr and h.style_nbr = d.style_nbr and e.shop_nbr = d.shop_nbr and h.dept_nbr = e.dept_nbr and e.dept_nbr = f.dept_nbr group by a.style_nbr; commit; insert into old_igor_tool_result (shop_nbr, class_nbr, season, bf_cur, si_cur, fst_accuracy) select rec.shop_nbr, a.style_nbr, 'FALL',,, b.sales_units from igor_bf_si_tool a, igor_final_result_2 b where a.style_nbr = b.style_nbr; commit; ----------------------------------------------- /* HOLIDAY */ ----------------------------------------------- pResult(to_char(rec.shop_nbr), 'thannan.igor_styles_hist_hol12', 'thannan.igor_act_hol02_chain', 'thannan.igor_tst_hol02', 'thannan.igor_act_hol01', 'thannan.igor_tst_hol01', 'thannan.igor_dept_store_avg_hol01', 'thannan.igor_dept_avg_hol01', 'igor_dept_class'); execute immediate 'truncate table igor_bf_si_tool'; commit; insert into igor_bf_si_tool (style_nbr, bf, si) select /*+ index(c) index(d)*/ a.style_nbr, avg(c.sales_units)/(0.0000001 + avg(d.sales_units)), avg(e.sales_units)/(0.00000001 + avg(f.sales_units)) from thannan.igor_act_hol02 c, thannan.igor_tst_hol02 d, thannan.igor_styles_hist_hol12 a, igor_dept_class h, thannan.igor_dept_store_avg_hol02 e, thannan.igor_dept_avg_hol02 f where c.shop_nbr = rec.shop_nbr and d.shop_nbr = c.shop_nbr and d.style_nbr = c.style_nbr and a.style_nbr = c.style_nbr and h.style_nbr = d.style_nbr and e.shop_nbr = d.shop_nbr and h.dept_nbr = e.dept_nbr and e.dept_nbr = f.dept_nbr group by a.style_nbr; commit; insert into old_igor_tool_result (shop_nbr, class_nbr, season, bf_cur, si_cur, fst_accuracy) select rec.shop_nbr, a.style_nbr, 'HOLIDAY',,, b.sales_units from igor_bf_si_tool a, igor_final_result_2 b where a.style_nbr = b.style_nbr; commit; end loop; end pMain; procedure pResult(strStores in varchar2, strStyles_Tbl in varchar2, strAct_Cur in varchar2, strTst_Cur in varchar2, strAct_Prev in varchar2, strTst_Prev in varchar2, strDept_Store_Prev in varchar2, strDept_Prev in varchar2, strDept_Style in varchar2) is varSQL varchar2(8000); begin execute immediate 'truncate table igor_styles_est'; commit; varSQL:= 'insert into igor_styles_est select /*+ index(b) index(c) index(d)*/ a.style_nbr, avg(b.sales_units) * avg(c.sales_units)/(0.0000001 + avg(d.sales_units)) / (avg(e.sales_units)/(0.00000001 + avg(f.sales_units))) as sales_units from ' || strTst_Cur || ' b, ' || strAct_Prev ||' c, ' || strTst_Prev || ' d, ' || strStyles_Tbl || ' a, ' || strDept_Style || ' h, ' || strDept_Store_Prev || ' e, ' || strDept_Prev || ' f where b.shop_nbr = ' || strStores || ' and c.shop_nbr = b.shop_nbr and c.style_nbr = b.style_nbr and a.style_nbr = c.style_nbr and d.style_nbr = a.style_nbr and d.shop_nbr = c.shop_nbr and h.style_nbr = d.style_nbr and e.shop_nbr = d.shop_nbr and h.dept_nbr = e.dept_nbr and e.dept_nbr = f.dept_nbr group by a.style_nbr'; execute immediate varSQL; commit; execute immediate 'truncate table igor_final_result_2'; commit; varSQL := 'insert into igor_final_result_2 select a.style_nbr, (nvl(a.sales_units, 0) - b.sales_units)/(0.0000001 + b.sales_units) as sales_units from igor_styles_est a, ' || strAct_Cur || ' b where a.style_nbr = b.style_nbr'; execute immediate varSQL; commit; end pResult; END LERNER_METRIC_OLD_TOOL; /