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Message Posted: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 @ 21:33:57 GMT

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Subj:   Re: Using COPY command to copy tables

Newell, Ray wrote:

  The database must exist on the target, the copy command will not create it. If the tables do not exist on the target, copy will create them. If the target tables already exist, copy will drop and create the tables on the target based on the definition on the tape. So any of the existing table definitions on target that are different will be lost. Note, if the table already exists on the target, you will get a warning message. This is simply for you to know that whatever definition you had on the target prior to the copy was replaced by the copy.  

TD 13 on Windows,

For example,

Database ABC in a tape has tables A,B,C and D and the same database ABC on a target system has A,B,C,D,E and F tables.

What happens to the tables E and F on the target database when you copy the database from the tape on database level?

Does this copy drop E and F tables and copy only A,B,C and D tables? Or will E and F remain as they are?

Thank you for taking time to answer my question.


James Park
Database Specialist II

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