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Message Posted: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 @ 16:07:06 GMT

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Subj:   Mass update & dummy tpump job
From:   Aananth.S


I'm learning Tpump so pls excuse/clarify if my understanding is wrong.

I'm trying to use a dummy tpump job to update a table. The intent is to bypass the TJing that would happen if the update were done using BTEQ etc. What i've done is to create a simple *infile* with just a row and nothing else and launc the tpp job. The update statment does have the necessary impact. But the error table created as a part of tpump gets populated with a single row and the hostdata column is in hex format. When i exported the data using BTEQ DATA mode, i could see the single record of the *infile*. The error code reported is

2817: Activity count greater than one for TPump update/delete.

Im curious to know what is the problem!

My another question is, is there a better elegant way to accomplish the same - mass oneshot update (without TJ)!

I tried a similar script with MLOAD alebit used the PI col in the update where clause and it didnt produce any error in the ET/UV tables.

Pls advice.

     TPP job

     .logtable asolaiy_db.emp_test_log;
     .logon demoTDAT/asolaiy,welcome;
     .begin load;
     .layout emp_lay;
       .field fname * varchar(20);
     .dml label emp_upd;
       update mlemp set sal=201.11 where deptno=10;
     .import infile emp.dat format vartext '|'
       layout emp_lay apply emp_upd;
     .end load;



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