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Message Posted: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 @ 09:33:17 GMT

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Subj:   Create set table: problem
From:   Anomy Anom

<-- Anonymously Posted: Sunday, July 24, 2005 00:10 -->

Hello All,

I was taking the practice test for TD SQL in one of the sites. The below question baffles me. Experts pls throw some light!


     CREATE SET TABLE A (A Integer, B Integer) Unique Primary Index (A)
     INSERT INTO Table A (1, 2)
     INSERT INTO Table A (1, 1)
     UPDATE Table A SET b = b + 1 WHERE b = 1.

Which statement is correct?


     Both the INSERTs and the UPDATE fails.
     The INSERTs work, but the UPDATE fails. (MISSED)
     Only the first INSERT works. (INCORRECT)
     Only the second INSERT works.
     The CREATE TABLE fails.


1. The first time i tried the create table and inserts, the 2 inserts did really work!! The show table showed a just a primary index instead of a UNIQUE PI.

2. The subsequent times i dropped and recreated the table, it does show a UPI and stops the second insert!

Could anyone pl explain. Is (1) a figment of my own imagination -- did i miss seeing the UPI?? or is it possible? The answer practice test question from the site adds to the confusion!!


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