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Message Posted: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 @ 15:59:13 GMT

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Subj:   Re: Syntax Error - Join Index
From:   Victor Sokovin

  I was going by an example on page 12-20 of one of the Database Design documents - it's doing a SUM on a column but doesn't have an alias. The CREATE JOIN INDEX syntax diagram in the DDL manual DOES show the alias, as you pointed out.  

  Just an inconsistency across documents, I guess.  


I agree that the Database Design is inconsistent as far as JI go. The document contains probably the most extensive discussion on JI but the examples ...

Speaking of 12-20, have you noticed that the first example in Sparse Join Indexes is totally wrong? Index J1 will not be used by the query which is mentioned in that example. I have notified NCR about this error and the example will be corrected in one of the subsequent releases. I hope your catch on correlation names in aggregation columns will also be taken on board.

In general, my practical strategy for reading the TD documentation is to start with the latest release (contains less errors with older features), not to get too excited about all the new features and then rewind back to the current release with appropriate changes. I don't know whether there is an online list of known errors in the documentation somewhere on ncr.com. I understand that changing the official documentation on a daily basis would be too expensive but maintaining such a separate list might be a possibility.



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