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Message Posted: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 @ 10:06:41 GMT

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Subj:   Macro parameters
From:   Barbara George

I am looking for a way to specify multiple integer options in one macro parameter.

e.g. on the following table I need to select multiple regions and multiple store_no's

Stores table:
Region char(1)
Region_name varchar(20)
Store_no smallint
Store_name varchar(30)

Index is region,store_no

Create macro read_stores as (:reg varchar(30) )
(Select * from stores
Where index(:reg, region) > 0
Order by region, store_no;);

Works for the region code, which is character - exec read_stores('A B C'); How can I achieve the same result on the store_no field? Store numbers range from 1 to 30.

The following works, but there must be a better/more efficient solution:

sel *
from stores
index('*08*09*10*11*12*',('*'||substring(cast(store_no + 100 as char(3))
from 2 for 2))) > 0;

To allow for the 'all regions' options, I have set the macro as follows:

Create macro read_stores as (:reg varchar(30), rlim byteint )
(Select * from stores
Where index(:reg, region) > :rlim
Order by region, store_no;);

Where rlim is 0, the region must exist in the list Where rlim is -1, any region code will match, so all regions are selected. Is there another way of achieving the same result without having a separate macro for each case?

The final macro will run against large tables, with a number of these multi-selection parameters.

Any examples, advice or comments are welcome.


Barbara George
Manager, Corporate Reporting
Pick 'n Pay, Cape Town, South Africa

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